Single-Sign-On is here!
The number one feature requested by schools has been to provide an easier way to manage student usernames and passwords. We are excited to announce a new option where students at your school can use Clever to directly login to IDCIS without ever having to enter their username and password. Best of all, this integration is available for no additional cost to you.
How to get Clever
Clever is available to schools for free. Even better, Clever provides complimentary technical support to get your school district up in no time. Join the thousands of schools that have already taken advantage of Clever’s integration by going to this website:
Already have Clever? Adding IDCIS is super simple!
Log into your Clever Dashboard and select: Applications > Add Applications from the left navigation.
Use the search bar at the top to find IDCIS. Once you have found the application, select: Request App. If you already have IDCIS you can select the “Already Purchased” option when requesting the app.
Email that Clever is enabled for your school.
How to use Clever to log into IDCIS
From IDCIS, click on the Clever link. This will take users to a secure Clever login form where students can use the same username and password they use for their school account.
Use the existing IDCIS credentials to login and the Clever account will be linked to the existing IDCIS account. This step only needs to be done once because the next time the student logs in they will be taken directly to their IDCIS account.